NEST Services
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”
We support communities in a multitude of ways
Event Services
We are equally adept at navigating the needs of attendees at large music festivals as we are providing white glove services at private events where a light touch approach is desired by an intimate community. NEST will provide a consistent level of care and professionalism to each project, regardless of size, location and type of event.
NEST provides strategic consulting services for businesses, organizations and events at any scale, and a proprietary compassionate care training model to providers, operators and the public. We are dedicated to building, teaching and implementing sustainable harm reduction principles across industries worldwide. Our services provide trauma-informed structure and support at every level of care: the individual, the care provider, the worker, the organization, and the community
Training & Workshops
NEST offers trauma-informed leadership trainings, educational harm reduction trainings, skills-based emergency protocol trainings, as well as peer support groups for workers experiencing vicarious trauma, compassionate care providers and harm reductionists in the field.
Through tailored programs and public events, we show leaders how to be more compassionate, safe and inclusive, and to create spaces that reflect those values. Learn practical tools for de-escalation, communication, altered states mediation, and how to respond in a crisis.
Our values focus our efforts
Compassionate care for those in crisis should not be limited to care of individuals having a challenging experience with substances. NEST provides non-judgmental emotional support to anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or in need. We also recognize that event professionals experience higher rates of burnout and compassion fatigue. NEST exists to bridge potential gaps in services and we work to ensure your guests and employees feel supported and cared for.
NEST values collaboration, transparent communication and professionalism. We believe that the most effective teams are the ones where all members are values and respected and that we work together towards a shared goal: an enjoyable, healthy and safe experience
NEST respects the privacy of event organizers, staff and attendees who utilize our services. Whether it’s a challenging experience with substances, a trauma trigger that causes a panic attack or just general overwhelm, we approach everyone with compassionate understanding and a genuine desire to help. Creating safer spaces for all feelings and emotions, especially difficult ones, is what we specialize in
Past Events
Praise for NEST
"Thank you Erica, from the bottom of our hearts. We’ve wanted to provide these services at this level for a while and it feels amazing to have found the right partner to fully achieve it. The local authorities were beyond impressed and grateful, as we all are. Looking forward to working with you in the future!"
-Production Manager, Desert Daze 2022
"This experience was so pivotal in my growth. I’m so proud of the work we did and the difference we made in the community 🙏🙏
Anonymous NEST Volunteer, Sonic Bloom 2022
"Working with Erica and her team at NEST provides the safety and support our production team needs to get through the challenging, stressful moments to ensure a successful event. Thank you for being there for our community."
-Heidi Patience, Envision Festival 2020 HR Manager
"You guys are truly amazing. Harm reduction services are vital to festival environments. Please continue to be apart of the community. You save lives and minds."
Anonymous Festival Participant, Sonic Bloom 2022
“I’m so grateful for this experience. I’ve known harm reduction is my passion for a long time, and NEST created space for me to explore my potential in this field and support my community in a way that felt so RIGHT. My values are super aligned with NEST’s values, and I could see that our team was leading with our values to pull all of this off!”
Sasha Friedkin, Harm Reduction Volunteer
"I enthusiastically recommend this training! Erica’s presentation was clear and accessible, and she left me with tools to implement right away. Both the conceptual framework and practical guidance would be beneficial to anyone who is looking to compassionately hold space for people going through traumatic experiences – not just those working in the world of psychedelic harm reduction."
Erica Rosenberg, PhD, Founding Faculty, Compassion Institute
"While the information presented in this workshop was geared toward helping people on bad trips, it feels like it could be relevant to helping people who are dealing with all sorts of traumas. Good set of skills to have in your tool bag, especially as we move through challenging times."
Workshop Participant, 2023
"As an EMS provider, all of the ways taught in this meeting to positively interact and treat patients were very useful in how to better increase patient care and comfort levels while in my care. Promoting more information like this is a great way to bring awareness to how to create and maintain a safe and comfortable space between everyone."
Workshop Participant, 2023